Czech fire polished beads are a popular type of glass beads.
These polished glass beads began to be made 500 years ago in order to imitate the appearance of polished precious stones, while also preserving the option of stringing the beads. In the past, the beads were polished in a kiln fire. That is where they got their name.
Preciosa Ornela offers a wide range of shapes, including balls, pears, parachutes, olives, rondelles in its PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand. Thanks to the various types of cuts, such as multiple, diamond or rose cuts, we are able to provide tens of combinations and types of fire polished beads for your costume jewelry. You can also choose from a range of surface finishes including iris coatings, lustre coatings, vacuum coatings, luxurious precious metals, linings and many others.