Casting Glass

Colored glass with a high lead oxide content for the creation of melted glass sculptures.

PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Glass™

Casting Glass

View the standard range of 16 colors in shape of a semicircle casting.

Melted glass sculptures involve a special creative procedure which, unlike sculpture made from other traditional materials, also makes use of the optical properties of the glass, its transparency or translucency and the play of light.

Lead content 15% or 48 % PbO

We offer casting glass in shape of semicircle casting with a 15% PbO and 48% PbO content.



The composition of the individual colors has not been optimised to be compatible.

The glass with a high lead content sold under the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Glass brand has been designed in order to adhere to all of the special requirements of melted glass technology in a mould.

The lead glass complies with a wide range of demands – it is suitable for the realisation of small-scale items, as well as for very large glass objects.



  •  low viscosity
  •  a low cooling temperature and deformation point
  •  a high surface quality
  •  high dispersion and optical clarity
  •  excellent properties for working when cold



PbO content 15%



PbO content 48%

00031 - crystal non-standard

00031 - crystal

10020 - golden topaz

batch code: 147064

10040 - golden topaz

10050 - golden topaz

40100 - smoke grey

40100 - smoke grey

batch code: 147056

40100 - smoke grey

batch code: 147058

40100 - smoke grey

batch code: 147060

50030 - olivine

batch code: 147054

60350 - siamese sapphire

batch code: 147052

70031 - pink

70550 - rubinite

batch code: 147084

70720 - apricot

batch code: 147070, 147072

90031 - ruby topaz

View the colors

Casting glass

You can view or download the photos of the 16 standard colors and a pallet of the special colors from Flickr Gallery.

Visit Flickr Gallery

For further information or orders, please contact your dealer

Petr Sucharda

Sales Representative

for customers from the Czech Republic

Eva Hudská DiS.

Sales Representative

Watch short video

Casting glass

The main form, in which lead glass is supplied is a semicircle casting.

Watch the video on YouTube

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