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Trillium Flower Bracelet


Mix three beadwork techniques with richly colored PRECIOSA White Lining rocailles to create a lush garland of flowers and leaves which curves naturally around the wrist. When you have learned the technique, branch out to create a matching necklace and earrings for the full floral experience.

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Fire Bird


Weaving on a loom with seed beads is a traditional technique used to create fashion accessories. When combined with a classic motif and colour combination, it can give the impression of a long forgotten piece rediscovered from grandma’s jewellery box.

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Fish Scales


Would you like to have a bracelet made of fish scales? You can acquire an almost perfect imitation by using the new PRECIOSA Pip™ pressed beads. Thanks to its flat shape, this bead gives the impression of fish scales and at the same time also enables the application of various surface finishes which reflect colours just like a nimble fish under the water’s surface.

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