The rules and conditions for marketing competitions announced by PRECIOSA ORNELA, a.s.

These rules set out the binding conditions for any micro-competitions held on the  @preciosa.ornela profile on Instagram and the Preciosa Ornela profile on Facebook Preciosa Ornela profile on Facebook (hereafter simply referred to as a “competition”).

1.   The competition announcer and organiser
The announcer and organiser of any such competitions is PRECIOSA ORNELA, a. s., registered office: Zásada no. 317, postal code: 468 25, Zásada, Company Registration Number: 28712226, incorporated under file reference B 2079 in the Commercial Register held at the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem (hereafter simply referred to as either the “announcer” or the “organiser”). This competition is not organised by Facebook ( and is not in any way associated with it.

2. The competition time and venue
The competition will be held at the time stated in the post announcing the competition. The competition will take place on the Instagram and Facebook social network accounts administered by the announcer. 

3.    The competition participants
The competitions will only be open to natural persons over 18 years of age who are users of the Instagram and Facebook social networks and maintain an active Instagram and Facebook account throughout the entire period of the competition, enter the competition with a competition post and agree with the rules of use pertaining to the Instagram and Facebook networks as stated on the  official Facebook page (hereafter also simply referred to as a “participant” or “competitor”).

Any individuals who do not meet the conditions for participation in the competition or who act in a manner that is at odds with the competition rules will be excluded from the competition. A competition participant may also be excluded, if the organiser discovers or justifiably suspects that the participant or anyone who has helped the given competition participant win has been involved in any fraudulent or unfair practices.

4.    Participation in the competition
The competition posts/tips are entered in the form of comments under the post containing the information about the competition on Facebook or Instagram. The competitors will also include the post in the Instagram Stories on their profile, as well as tagging the announcer (@preciosa.ornela) and including the designated hashtag.
The competition will take place at the time stated in the post announcing it.

All competition posts that fail to comply with the conditions according to these rules will be eliminated from the competition.
Posts containing any vulgar expressions or that in any way go against the goals and purpose for which the Preciosa Ornela site is operated (hereafter simply referred to as the “competition”) will be eliminated from the competition. Competitors may not participate in one competition more than once, even with a different Facebook and/or Instagram identity; a competitor may only win 1 prize from one competition.

5.    The realisation of the competition and the designation of the winners
The competition principle: the number of winners for each competition will be stated in the competition post. The winners will be drawn by the announcer. If a winner is eliminated from the competition due to a failure to comply with the competition rules, their right to the prize will lapse and they will be replaced with a newly drawn competitor who will be entitled to the prize as the next in line.

6.    Prizes
The specific prizes will be stated in the post announcing the competition. A competitor may only receive 1 prize during the course of one competition. The winner(s) will be contacted by the announcer by means of a DM or a comment posted beneath the competition question and they will be requested to send the announcer their address, email and telephone number in a private message within a maximum of 7 days, so that the announcer can arrange how to deliver the prize with them. If the winner(s) fail(s) to provide the necessary information within the deadline, their entitlement to the prize will lapse.

The delivery of the prize to the winner will constitute the fulfilment of all the announcer’s obligations towards the winner in accordance with these rules. No entitlement to a prize will arise, if any of the conditions in the competition rules have been breached.

The announcer will not bear any liability for any risks associated with the provision of the prize and will not assume any obligations towards the winners other than those stipulated in these rules. Winners who have complied with the competition’s conditions are not entitled to any other performance on the part of the announcer than that stated in these rules.
The competition results are final and there is no right of appeal. It is not possible to exchange a prize or to request the payment of money instead of a prize.


7.    The final provisions
The announcer is authorised to change the competition rules and conditions, the prizes and the duration of the competition at any time. The announcer reserves the right to cancel the entire competition at any time on any grounds. None of the prizes is legally enforceable. There is no legal entitlement to participate in the competition or to a prize.

The announcer reserves the right to replace the declared prizes with prizes of a similar type and a corresponding value and to change the conditions for presenting the prizes. The announcer will not be liable for any postal consignments that are undelivered, lost or damaged. The announcer is authorised to use any unissued prizes or any prizes that cannot be delivered to the winners, i.e. to winners who are unreachable or have not taken delivery of their prize or in cases where the delivery is associated with unexpected obstacles, for any other purposes at its own discretion.

By sending a post to the competition, the competitor agrees with to their personal data (especially email address, name and surname, address and telephone contact) being processed in compliance with GDPR (the General Data Protection Regulation) and Personal Data Processing Act no. 110/2019 Coll. for the purposes of the competition.


Every participant in the competition hereby provides the announcer with consent to process their aforementioned personal data for the purposes of the evaluation of the marketing competition and does so voluntarily and on the basis of an agreement. The participants in the competition hereby further declare that they have been acquainted with the fact that the announcer will save their aforementioned personal data, provide it with the appropriate protection and evaluate it on the basis of the aforementioned consent for a maximum period of 1 year from the provision of the consent. Likewise, the announcer may also use the personal data to contact them throughout that period. The announcer has justified the one-year period by stating that this is the standard period for the assessment and storage of the results of marketing competitions. Every participant in the competition is authorised to withdraw this consent at any time in writing, including without stating any grounds for doing so, by means of an email sent to

The competition participants will bear any costs that arise for them in association with the competition (especially the costs for their internet connection etc.). The competitors are aware of the fact that it is not possible to request or claim the payment of any of the costs associated with the competition from the announcer.

By participating in the competition, the competitors express their unreserved agreement with the competition rules, including the provision of the consent to process their personal data.

The participants agree that the announcer is authorised, if it so decides, to publish their competition entries, including any photographs and possibly also the names, likenesses and video or audio recordings of the winners, in the media and in the announcer’s promotional material, including its profiles on social networks, and that it may do so free of charge.

The competition participants are aware of the fact that this does not involve a public competition in compliance with section 1772 et seq. of Act no. 89/2012 (the Civil Code, as amended). Any competitions announced by PRECIOSA ORNELA, a.s. are exclusively subject to these rules.

In Zásada, on 1.1.2022

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