The procedure:
Step 1:
Cut off 4x 2.5 m of cord. Place them together. Fold all of them in half. Tie a knot about 4–5 cm from the folded end. This will create a large loop and eight strands. You can tighten each one separately.
Step 2:
Tie the strands together in twos. Tie the knot about 5 cm from the common knot. The distance of the knots from each other is calculated from the middle of the knots.

Step 3:
Divide the strands into left and right. Now tie the left strand and the neighbouring right stand together. String 3x R onto each strand. Knot them about 5 cm from the previous knot.

Step 4:
Divide the tie strands into left and right. String 3x R onto the strands. Tie the left strand and the neighbouring right strand together about 5 cm from the previous knot. A net will begin to form.

Step 5:
Divide the tied strands into left and right. String 3x R onto the strands. Tie the left strand and the neighbouring right strand together about 5 cm from the previous knot.

Step 6:
Divide the tied strands into left and right. String 6x R onto the strands. Tie the left strand and the neighbouring right strand together about 10 cm from the previous knot.

Step 7:
Divide the tied strands into left and right. String 6x R onto the strands. Tie the left strand and the neighbouring right strand together about 20 cm from the previous knot.

Step 8:
Divide the tied strands into left and right. String 3x R onto the strands. Tie the left strand and the neighbouring right strand together about 5 cm from the previous knot.

Step 9:
Divide the tied strands into left and right. String 3x R onto the strands. Tie the left strand and the neighbouring right strand together about 5 cm from the previous knot.

Step 10:
Connect all the strands. Tie a large common knot about 5 cm from the knots. You can tighten every strand seperately.

Step 11:
Create a tassel. String 3x R on each strand. Tie a knot after about 12 cm. Cut off the cord about 1 cm from the knot. Repeat this 7 more times.

If the strands fray during the stringing of the R, cut off the end.
If you are using a flower pot cover with a larger diameter, you have to increase the distance between the knots in Step 7. It should approximately equal the sum of the circumference of the container divided by two [(2 x the height + the base diameter + the upper diameter) ÷ 2]. You can also add 1 – 2 cm in the distance of the knots in Steps 8 and 9. You must also increase the distance in Step 10. If you double the distance of the knots, you should end up with a slightly bigger size than the base diameter.
Plant the plants in the flower pot. Place it in the cover and place everything in the hanger. Hang it on a hook by the loop. You can use it to decorate a pergola, balcony or a room interior.