The procedure
Step 1:
First string all of the beads onto the crocheting yarn.

Step 2:
Start the bracelet with a 9-loop chain (fig. 1). Poke the needle into the third loop, catch the thread and pull out the loop (figs. 2-3).
Step 3:
Continue gathering loops in this way until you have a total of 8 (fig. 4). Catch the yarn again and pull it through the last loop (figs. 5-6). Always repeat this step at the start of a row.
Step 4:
Then catch the yarn again and pull it through two loops (fig. nos 7-8). Repeat the last step until only a single loop remains on your hook (fig. 9).
Step 5:
Poke the hook under the vertical thread (fig. 10), catch the yarn (fig. 11) and pull out the loop (fig. 12).
Step 6:
Repeat steps 10-12 and gather a further 6 loops; there should be a total of 8 (fig. 13). You can now start adding the beads.

Step 7:
Catch the yarn and pull it through the last loop (fig. 14-15); always repeat this step at the beginning of a row. Pull a Solo bead under, catch the yarn and pull it through two loops (figs. 16-17).
fig. 14
fig. 15
fig. 16
fig. 17
Step 8:
Then pull the other Solo beads under and once again pull the yarn through two loops, etc.; repeat this until only one loop is left on your hook (fig. 18). Repeat steps 10-18 until you have used up all the beads (fig. 19).
fig. 18
fig. 19
Step 9:
Crochet two rows without any beads and sew in the yarn (fig. 20). Attach the ribbon ends to the part of the bracelet without any beads and crimp them well (fig. 21). Attach the magnetic fastening using the connecting rings (fig. 22).