Cooperation with the ITC

Preciosa Ornela is cooperating with the ITC Ethical Fashion Initiative

Fashion collections are connected with the ethnic elements of the given countries. The seed bead embroidery which supplements many textile products comes from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand.

Preciosa Ornela is cooperating with the ITC Ethical Fashion Initiative.

A visit by the internationally renowned British fashion designer, Marion Hume, to Preciosa Ornela in Zásada sparked off our cooperation with the ITC / International Trade Centre / Ethical Fashion Initiative project.

One of the founders of this project in Africa, Lisa Baratt, and Jeremy Brown visited Preciosa Ornela in Zásada on 6.11.2012. 

The aim and goal of this organisation, which cooperates with the UN and the WTO, is to interconnect the worlds of the people living at the edge of society with the people at the top of the international fashion industry and it is undoubtedly working. Using traditional local skills, ITC workers have already instructed thousands of native inhabitants in Africa in various crafts such as sewing or embroidery and have established tens of specialised workshops, including workshops specialising in seed bead embroidery which have produced collections for international designers such as Vivienne Westwood or Stella McCartney.

These fashion collections are connected with the ethnic elements of the given countries. The seed bead embroidery which supplements many textile products comes from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand.


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