Images Embroidered with seed beads

Images Embroidered with seed beads

Traditional Russian icons – renderings of St. Ludmila – embroidered entirely with PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads

On September 18th, not far from the Kremlin in the historic center of the Russian capital the <strong>statue of the first Czech saint – Saint Ludmila</strong> – was revealed.

Standing almost three and a half meters in height, the gift from the Czech nation to the Russian Federation’s Orthodox Church stands in the courtyard of St. Nicholas Church. The church is home to the offices of the Orthodox Church of the Czech and the Slovak Republics in Moscow’s Patriarchate. Saint Ludmila is one of the symbols of the Czech nation and an important spiritual symbol, revered by the Orthodox Church.

The author of this work is sculptor Michal Moravec, and the presentation of the statue became an extraordinary cultural and historic event. The ceremony was attended by numerous prominent cultural and art personalities from the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation. This important event could never have taken place without the financial support of several Czech companies, including Preciosa, a.s.

<strong>Traditional Russian icons – renderings of St. Ludmila – embroidered entirely with PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads, were presented to the key personalities who were present at the event.</strong> The small portraits earned high and well-deserved acclaim: they were very well liked and we are proud to have them represent both our company and products.


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